Transcendence - workshop

 1. - 2. june 2024

in Prague

4 pillars of the Transcendence

At Sandra Epstein´s workshop you will connect with your values and gifts.
You will get a map of emotional and social skills that are good to pay attention.

Through deep emotional experience you will learn how to get out of the trap of inner sacrifice and illusion.



It is the source of life, the ability to generate energy, all the dimension of our vital fource.


We need to anowledge with honour the human technologies we organically achieved and remember that this is the source AI is comming from.We even go beyond because self consciousness.


Behavioral triggers are stimuli that trigger a specific response or behavior in a person. They can be external, such as a visual or auditory signal, or internal, such as an emotion or thought. Behavioral triggers can be conscious or unconscious and can have a significant impact on our actions and decisions.


Boldness is a powerful key to transcendence, as it encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and seek experiences and opportunities that challenge us and allow us to grow.

How the workshop is going?

SHARING - Sandra shares the rainforest wisdom and messages for us to know for what to pay attention and grow. She answer your questions.

CIRCLE DANCE awakes endorphins and this dance is very simply also for begginers. You don,t need any experience because Sandra leads us through dance.

EMOTIONAL EXERCISES - movement exercisesh which opens deep feelings related 4 pillars of our workshop. You will understand them through body, feelings and mentally.

Pragues schedule

1. - 2. june 2024

in Prague 3


saturday 10.00 - 18.00 
sunday 10.00 - 17.00 

Workshop is led in english.


260 Eur (without VAT)

314,60 Eur (VAT 21% in)



please contact Lenka:


Your questions

Do I have to follow all exercies?

Exercises are possibility to liberate blocks and open to new. Sometimes you can feel very tired and this is absolutelly ok if you not do all exercises and stay quiet and integrate what you feel.

Do you have some special essences for this workshop?

We have set of 5 Transcendence essences which are related the pillars of workshop. It is possible to order them if you feel calling.